Mangalorean Konkans of Qatar came together in March 2008, to form the socio-cultural organization known as MANGALORE CULTURAL ASSOCIATION (MCA) with the following objectives;
Bringing Mangalorean Konkani speaking people together under the umbrella of Mangalore Cultural Association (MCA) to help each other. Maintain in touch with our culture by organizing cultural events such as by bringing Artists from India.
MCA Core Committee
Any Mangalorean Konkani speaking is eligible to join as a member provided he is proposed by a member and second by the Managing Committee. The Managing Committee may reject any request for membership without giving any reason. The Life membership fee shall be as follows:
a) Bachelor single membership : QR. 100/-
b) Family membership : QR. 200/-
A member shall cease to be a member of the association should the member's continuation with the association is detrimental to the general interest of the association or other members. All such decisions by the committee shall be by a majority vote and at least supported by one of the elected member.
The Patron of Mangalore Cultural Association is Blessed Mother Theresa!!!