MCA Celebrates Monthi Festh with Grandeur
Mangalore Cultural Association (MCA), Qatar celebrated the annual tradition Monthi Festh (Feast of Nativity of Mother Mary) with grandeur and cultural fiesta at the Indian Cultural Centre here on Thursday September 19, 2019.
The festal evening began with the short introduction by compere Merlyn D’Souza which was followed by the singing of MCA Geeth by the MCA members from St Cecelia’s Konkani choir group. Fr Anand Castelino, the spiritual director of Konkani Speaking Community Qatar blessed the new corns (novem) which was then distributed to the gathering. Following this MCA Advisory Committee members Felix Lobo and Wilfred D’Souza along with the chief guest of the evening Fr Anand Castelino were escorted to the dais by MCA president Veena Rebimbus Pais and vice-president Clement Saldanha for short stage programme. The evening’s programmes were formally thrown open after president Veena Rebimbus Pais welcomed the gathering and briefed them about the upcoming programmes of the MCA for the coming year.
MCA has been honoring the students of MCA family who have excelled in academics ever since its inception. This year too, meritorious students from Grade 8th to the University level were presented with mementoes and certificates as an encouragement to them in the presence of their parents. MCA Executive Committee member Melita Lobo read out the names of the students while Advisors Felix Lobo, Wilfred Fernandes and Fr. Anand honoured them.
The following students were honoured:
8th Standard
1. Reevan Haster Fernandes
S/O Ronald Fernandes & Hema Latha Fernandes
2. Calista Ruth Noronha
D/O George William Noronha &
3.Anusha Rodrigues
D/O Ajay Rodrigues & Clara Rodrigues
9th Starndad
1. Jewel Henrita Pinto
D/O John Pinto & Anitha Pinto
2. Sailor Jan Fernandes
S/O Stephen Lawrence Fernandes & Jacintha Janet Fernandes.
3. Elvin Joshua Pinto
S/O Lovelin Savio Pinto & Eva Wilma Pinto
11th Standard
1. Adrian Rex Coutinho
S/O Robert Coutinho & Silvia Coutinho
10th Standard
1. Dorina Esther Saldanha
D/O Mr & Mrs. Danial Clavy Saldanha
2. Derik Saldanha
S/O Denis M Saldanha & Winnie Shalini Saldanha
3. Ethan Ignatius Dsa
S/O Ephrem Dsa & Veena Dsa
12th Standard
1. Glen Furtado
S/O. George & Helen Furtado
2. Clarissa Neolla Pinto
D/O Stanislous Pinto & Jane Pinto
3. Astra Julia Pinto
D/O Joseph Pinto & Emilda Pinto
Ashton D’souza
S/O. Aloysius & Merlyn D’souza
In his address chief guest of the evening Fr Anand conveyed the message of Monthi festh to the gathering and also appreciated MCA for nourishing and promoting Konkani culture and traditions through its various programmes and initiatives in Qatar. He also honored the Presidents and office-bearers of various Karnataka-based Associations who graced the occasion. Following this Advisory member, Felix Lobo gave a brief historical reference of Monti Festh and its humble beginning.
Once the stage programme was over, it was time for fabulous culture fiesta. MCA cultural team consisting of Wilson Mendonca and Carol D’Souza had worked tirelessly to put up a splendid cultural programme bringing together talented community members.
The much-awaited cultural programme began with the fabulous rendition of Konkani song ‘Daktto Astana’ by Doha’s Little Rock Star Waylon Mendonca. It was indeed a fabulous opening to the evening as Waylon brilliantly captured the hearts of the audience with his melodious voice. The thunderous applause that reverberated through the Asoka Hall proved how much the audience appreciated Waylon’s performance. This was followed by an enchanting dance for the medley “Yo re pausa yo, Guttur Guttur and Whistle Mar” was presented by Sonal Mendonca, Roshni Mendonca and Calista Noronha. This dance was choreographed by Sonal Mendonca. Following this two of Qatar’s best singers Wilson Mendonca and Prameela Monteiro presented foot-tapping dance number ‘Nach Baile Nach’. Qatar’s sensational Singing Queen Carol D’Souza then partners mellifluous Jeevan Ferrao and presented ‘Margai’ song, one of well-known compositions of the late Konkan Kogull Wilfy Rebimbus. Another stunning dance, this time to the tunes of Konkani song ‘Band Vazta’ from the recently-released and successfully running Konkani movie Nirmillem Nirmonne was presented by Sean Fernandes, Clarina Pinto, Lavin Tauro, Carol D’Cunha, Derik Saldana & Andrea D’Souza. The dance was choreographed by Sean Fernandes. Qatar Konkani community’s another up and coming singer Viola Monteiro was next on stage with her solo number ‘P T Usha’, a famed composition of Wifly Rebimbus. Viola’s brilliant singing was greeted with thunderous applause by the audience. One of the best and most appreciated performance of the evening came from Qatar’s favourite and talented singing couple Naveen and Preema Pinto. They presented Wilfy Rebimbus’ famous yesteryears number ‘Mujea Bhangara’. It was not just their melodious singing but also the acting emoting emotions beautifully that had the audience giving a standing ovation to Naveen and Preema.
The women empowerment was truly shown by all the ladies of the MCA Executive committee while they danced for the song “Choli” sang by MCA President Veena Rebimbus Pais. This dance was choreographed by Sonal Mendonca. And Presented by Committee members - Jovita Pereira, Melita Lobo, Sonal Mendonca, Carol D’Souza, Della Rego, Grancy Dhanthy, Hema Fernandes, Shalini Mendonca, Dorothy Quadros & Veena Pais
The evening was not just about singing and dance. The talented MCA members Aloysius & Merlyn D’Souza, George Menezes, Clement Fernandes, Jeevan Ferrao, Agnel Ullas Dsouza, Neil Roshan D’Silva and Arthur Serrao sent the audience into peals of laughter with their side-splitting comedy skits
All songs sung during the evening were composed by Wilfy Rebimbus and music track was provided by Joswin Pinto, Bendur. Spot games were conducted by Cultural Secretary Carol Dsouza while the Executive Committee member Melita Lobo proposed the vote of thanks. The entire programme was ably and brilliantly compered by Merlyn D’Souza.
The beautiful evening came to an end with the sharing of fraternal sumptuous home-cooked traditional vegetarian “Novem Jevann” that was prepared by the MCA Committee members at Felix & Stephany Lobo’s Residence under the leadership and guidance of Stephany Lobo was relished by all with great appreciation.